Marius Cousin
This site dedicated to the painter Marius Pierre Cousin was created in 2006 and since then the computer world has evolved considerably. Smartphones and tablets have appeared and under these conditions the site needs to be brought up to date.
We hope you enjoy the new presentation which lends itself better to new technologies.
However, the painter’s way of working has not changed. For him, painting is always born from an emotional event that gives rise to one or more sketches. These are decisive in the construction of the work to come. The time devoted to drawing allows the painter to think about the composition, the colors.
We can better understand this by comparing the watercolor of the Notre Dame fire and the two preparatory sketches. The first is quite confusing and the second quite close to the final watercolor.
Of course, not all sketches give birth to paintings. Most of them are done in felt-tip pen or red chalk, therefore single-colored, leaving more to the imagination.

Marius Pierre Cousin was born on February 2, 1938 in Lyon (France), and presently lives in Juliénas, a small village in the Beaujolais vineyard region. Self-made man, he was barely 7 years old when he discovered watercolour with his father, also a painter. From this early experience he kept a taste for authenticity, and never parts from his little sketch pad on which he outlines, with a felt-tip, some water and a paintbrush, instant scenes that he later re-uses in his paintings. More than ten years ago he decided to have exhibitions, personally or with other painters.
Be it the result of a landscape, a glimpsed silhouette or a face, emotion for him gives birth to painting. Although also practising oil-painting and drawing, he particularly likes water colour for its execution speed, its transparencies, its nuances, and the ceaseless fight between the pigment-loaded water and the paper. He looks for the shaft of light that makes the watercolour sing. Sometimes this gives rise to emotion, and enables the subtle link connecting the painting and the one looking at it…
Marius Pierre Cousin holds regular exhibitions in France (Lyon, Macon, Villefranche, Morestel), and has private collections in Swiss, England, Netherlands, Portugal, Australia, Japan, and the USA.
He is a member of the «Société des Aquarellistes Lyonnais» since year 2000.
«It is the quays and streets of Lyon that inspire him, as in this hard to possess town he tries, without concern for colour realism, to describe atmospheres, and the very soul of a city. His pictorial will is to push the watercolour pigment intensity to its maximum, while illustrating the reflections of air, heavens and waters, so peculiar at the confluence of the Rhone and Saône rivers.»
Christophe Augey – Saôn’ Art n° 5
This site dedicated to the painter Marius Pierre Cousin was created in 2006 and since then the computer world has evolved considerably. Smartphones and tablets have appeared and under these conditions the site needs to be brought up to date.
We hope you enjoy the new presentation which lends itself better to new technologies.
However, the painter’s way of working has not changed. For him, painting is always born from an emotional event that gives rise to one or more sketches. These are decisive in the construction of the work to come. The time devoted to drawing allows the painter to think about the composition, the colors.
We can better understand this by comparing the watercolor of the Notre Dame fire and the two preparatory sketches. The first is quite confusing and the second quite close to the final watercolor.
Of course, not all sketches give birth to paintings. Most of them are done in felt-tip pen or red chalk, therefore single-colored, leaving more to the imagination.
Né le 2 Février 1938 à Lyon, Marius Pierre Cousin vit actuellement à Juliénas dans le Beaujolais. Autodidacte, c’est dès l’âge de 7 ans qu’il découvre l’aquarelle en accompagnant sur le motif son père peintre. De ces premières sorties, il garde le goût de l’authentique et ne se sépare pas de son petit carnet de croquis sur lequel avec un feutre, de l’eau et un pinceau, il croque des instantanés qu’il réutilise ensuite dans ses peintures. Depuis plus de dix ans il a décidé d’exposer personnellement ou en groupe .
Qu’elle provienne d’un paysage, d’une silhouette entrevue ou d’un visage, l’émotion chez lui fait naître la peinture. Bien que pratiquant aussi l’huile et le dessin, il affectionne particulièrement l’aquarelle pour sa rapidité d’exécution, ses transparences, ses nuances, sa lumière et l’incessant combat entre l’eau chargée de pigments et le papier. Il cherche la tache de lumière qui fera chanter l’aquarelle, la petite musique intérieure. Parfois l’émotion naît et alors peut s’établir le lien subtil qui relie l’oeuvre à celui qui la regarde…
Marius Pierre Cousin expose régulièrement à Lyon, Macon, Villefranche, Morestel (La Cité des peintres), et a des collections particulières aux USA, Japon, Angleterre, Suisse, Pays Bas, Portugal, et Australie.
Il fait partie depuis 2000 de la Société des Aquarellistes Lyonnais